Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Infinite Recursion

In real life any decision would require consideration of infinite variable factors. However we can not possibly pursue all the factors for obvious constrains of time and even our understanding of the variables.

But say; hypothetically; there is a problem of great importance, and we are to find the optimum solution to it. Mind you, I said, THE optimum solution, and that would imply that we require a solution which is optimum in absolute sense. Optimum amount of resources required, where time, money, manpower and most importantly their relative priorities are considered.

And of course the optimization process has to be optimized too, because, we can't possibly waste any resources when less are required. However the optimization of the same process also would require some resources, and that too must be optimized.

There could be a way out of it. If enough data about the processes is available, then perhaps we could devise a method to calculate to what degree should we optimize the process, given our limited resources, that would give the best result/resources ratio. But again this is a compromise. I am sure you would agree when I say this can not be absolute optimization.


Because the process we used to calculate the optimum degree of optimization must also be optimum. The process to optimize this would once again be have to be optimized.

Once again we can devise a method to optimize the degree of optimizations for best result/resources ratio.

This would obviously be an infinite process, so where's the optimization?

But there is something that does inspire me. If you are familiar with integration you'd know this:
Just a thought.


NRkey Menon said...

I guess I can best explain this example by the good apple amongst the bad ones example....
ummm...well sort of!

Insightful brothar!

Unknown said...

The world is the same to all eyes... Its just people with uncommon perspective who make a difference.

U seem to be one of them.. a very insightful post.