I have been notoriously famous for asking questions , all kinds of questions . My parents tried to answer as many as they could , but my school teachers dint seem to take them in a good spirit and I often ended up doing lines - " I wont ask silly questions "
But recently I realised something .( Isn't it amazing that I have been realizing a lot of things lately !!) How many of the questions one asks are meant to get information ? How many of them are real questions ? There are lots of other reasons people ask questions . The major being to show off . To show how much knowledge one has or to show how honest one is or how intelligent . The point is they just want to show off how smart they are .
Well with regret I must confess I am one of them . Until now I did not realize it . I usually ask questions to prove that I know a lot or to prove that the person I am asking the question to , doesn't .
A great man once said that ask only the questions which you think might make a difference in your path , and if it is so then never be afraid to ask .
So choose your questions carefully .
Seemingly there is more to it than this ....